Policies & Terms & Conditions
Policies and Terms & Conditions
The Avenue Prep-Preparatory School and Nursery is required to ensure certain information is 'provided' or 'made available' to parents of pupils and prospective pupils. The policies listed below are those that we are required to make publicly available for download. If you would like to receive, free of charge, any school policy, please contact the school office by email. Most of our policies are reviewed annually (and more frequently if regulations change mid-year) and updated as appropriate.
Terms and Conditions
- Acceptable Use Policy & E Safety Guidance
- Admissions Policy
- Arrangements for Reporting to Parents
- Assessment and Recording
- Attendance Policy
- Behaviour Management Policy
- Child Protection
- Collection Of Children Policy
- Counter Bullying Policy
- Curriculum Policy - EYFS
- Curriculum Policy - KS1
- Data Protection Policy
- Disability Policy
- Display Screen Equipment
- English As An Additional Language - EAL
- Ethos, Values and Aims
- Equal Opportunities Policy
- Fire Precaution Policy
- First Aid Policy
- Golden Rules
- Health and Safety Policy
- Information Sharing and Confidentiality
- Intimate Care Policy
- Marking
- Missing Child
- Online Safety Policy
- Packed Lunch Policy
- Parental Complaints Policy
- Photography
- Reporting to Parents
- Role of the Designated Safeguarding Lead
- Risk Assessment Policy
- Risk Assessment for Educational Trips
- Risk Assessment for Regular Offsite Visits
- Risk Assessment Policy for School Buildings & Grounds
- SEND Policy
- Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural Policy
- Staff Code of Conduct
- Supervision Policy
- Travel Policy
- Uncollected Children
- Uniform Policy
- Visitor Policy
- Whistleblowing Policy
Under the Data protection act The Avenue Pre-Preparatory School processes “personal data” including “sensitive personal data” (such as medical information), for the purposes of safeguarding and promoting the welfare of pupils, parents and staff and where necessary, for the legitimate interests of the school. The school seeks to ensure that all relevant legal obligations of the school parents and pupils are complied with and that all processing of data is done lawfully and fairly in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. The school has a comprehensive policy covering data governance and is registered with the Information Commissioners Office.
- Data Protection Policy - see above
Please address any enquiries to the School Office.